Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Crayon Molds

It is easy to make a rainbow of brand new crayons out of your old and broken ones.

1. Unwrap all of your crayons and sort them by the 8 basic colors.

2. Break up crayons into pieces with your fingers.

3. Add color to your melting pot. This is a pot you never use for cooking. Melting crayons smell intensely crayon-like, and you should not inhale the vapors.

4. Pour small amounts of crayon into candy mold.

5. Pop in freezer for about 5 minutes while you pick out the next crayon batch color.

For those who lack patience:
In the amount of time it takes to peel the next color and break it up for you pot, the crayons in the freezer get hard enough to pop out of the molds. It feels like it goes faster this way.


  1. What is a melting pot and does it get hot on a stove burner or in an oven? How long do you melt the crayons and how do you pour them into the molds without burning yourself, do you use a spoon? And how do you get the remaining hot crayon color out of your pot before you melt more?

    1. A melting pot is a metal container used for nothing but melting (you can buy them at a craft store near the soap making supplies)but I suppose you could use a soup can. You place the melting container in a pot of boiling water to get it hot. It has a spout so pouring is no problem. I wipe out container with paper towel when I am done, but use the crayons in a ROY G BIV order so the color blend together nice.
