Bubble tea most commonly consists of tea accompanied by chewy tapioca balls. It can contain fruit juice or milk, and is sometimes a blended frozen drink. Tapioca pears are available at Asian grocery stores and some in a variety of sizes and colors. But! Did you know it is possible to make them yourself? You will need tapioca starch, fruit, sugar, a sauce pan, and a blender. Today we make DIY tapioca pears from scratch!
1. Add fruit to your blender to get 1/2 C. puree
2. Add puree,1/2 C. tapica starch, and 1/2 C. sugar to a sauce pan and cook over medium heat until it turns into a goo.

3. Transfer goo to a bowl with another 1 C. tapioca starch, and blend it until starch is incorporated, and feels and acts like playdough.
4. Roll out a long snake of dough and chop into tiny pieces. Roll pieces into balls. After trying this once, I would suggest that smaller is better as the larger ones remain super chewy even after cooking.
5. Next you boil the pearls for 20 minutes.
6. Make a tea and add cooked tapioca and serve.

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