Friday, December 5, 2014

Oh Sugar

Holiday cookie season is right around the corner.  I was just thinking about sugar. Specifically colored sugar and white sanding sugar, and why I have to get it at the grocery store instead of making it myself.  The answer is SIZE.  Sanding Sugar is large, polished grains of sugar. The grains are about four times larger than those in granulated sugar.  It is similar to "Sparkling Sugar", and like it will reflect light, but it is smaller.  To make Sanding Sugar, sugar syrup is dried, screened, and colored.  Sanding sugar has larger crystals than typical granulated sugar you buy in the grocery store. Larger crystals  of sanding sugar reflect light of their facets, and so  when using on cookies sanding sugar makes cookies glisten. Also, sanding sugar will not dissolve immediately when exposed to liquid like granulated sugar, instead it sticks to any moist or warm surface. Sanding sugar can be added to cookies right after they were baked, while still hot.

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