Friday, February 12, 2010

Glace Icing

Glacé Icing
1 lb powdered sugar (about 3 3/4 C)
6 T milk (low-fat actually works, but use whole if you can)
6 T light Corn Syrup (6T is equal to 1/4 C plus another 2 T)
1 t extract (I prefer almond)

With a whisk, combine sugar and milk until smooth (no lumps!) Then stir in corn syrup and extract.

You will use this same recipe for both glazing and piping. The way it is right now is the consistency you want for glazing. It easily runs off the whisk in a thin drizzle. To prepare the icing for piping, you just add more powdered sugar. You can't really mess it up because if it's too thick you just add more milk and if it's to thin, you add more powdered sugar. It gets to a point where it's relatively hard to whisk it by hand. When I pick up the whisk, it still runs off, but in a very slow, thick stream. For thin icing, use a small spoon to add icing to cookie. You need to wait for the icing to set before you pipe on top of it. It doesn't have to be completely dry, but just set on top. An hour or two will probably be enough. If it's dry to the touch you can go ahead and decorate.
This is a good frosting recipe because when the icing drys you can stack the cookies with no fear of smudging the decorating.

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