Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chocolate Pecan Clusters

Chocolate Pecan Clusters, or as I've been referring to them "horrible, chocolate, pecan mess that ruined my weekend and my counter, and my freezer". The name wasn't very catchy. These were supposed to be chocolate rum bonbons. The ganache center was made with heavy cream, dark chocolate, butter, rum, and sugar. It never really set, so I tried freezing it. The filling seemed to hold a shape while frozen, which was good enough because they were going to be encased in a firm chocolate. The chocolate exterior was made of Ghiradelli chocolate, whipping cream, and vanilla extract. But it doesn't even matter because the chocolate never tempered or something. My chocolate was only firm when frozen, much like the soft center counterpart. After having a chocolate mess melt in my hands several times, I came up with a genius plan. Freeze the centers then 'pour' chocolate on top, freeze again, flip, and repeat process. As I poured my liquid chocolate on the frozen centers they combined, melted, and ran away. New plan. Freeze centers, place a solid coating of frozen pecans to help cool the chocolate as it combines, freeze again, and consume the bonbon in its frozen state. They really are delicious. You just have to eat them quickly and take them out of the freezer one at a time.

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