Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Shrinky dinks

Shrinky Dinks can be made from #6 plastic.  #6 plastic is the classification for Polystyrene (aka Styrofoam). When you think Styrofoam you’re likely thinking of disposable cups or take out containers.  This is NOT what you want to use for this project!  While Polystyrene is used to make the items I just mentioned, the same type of plastic is used to make clear containers that are cheap, lightweight, and easily formed into shapes.  You frequently see them as take out containers for salads or lids for pans made out of aluminum.  These are types of plastic we want to use for this project.  Polystyrene is actually quite difficult to recycle, so reusing it for a project like this is a great way to keep it out of landfills!  

When using recycled #6 plastic, you’re likely to only find smooth surfaces (the kits on Amazon have a rough side and a smooth side) That’s why you’ll need permanent markers for this project.You’ll get a much better result using a permanent marker on the plastic than any other type of medium.  Make sure your plastic is really clean and dry before getting started, especially if you’re using old take out containers. You can simply wash them with dish soap and water.  ou’ll need a good pair of scissors to cut out your shapes and you can also use a hole puncher if you’re planning to make your DIY shrinky dinks into charms. You’ll also need parchment paper so the plastic won’t stick to the sheet pan you’ll bake them on.  

Now for the fun!  You can draw whatever you want.  You can even trace designs since the plastic is clear. Also remember that the plastic will shrink up to about 1/3 the original size of the designs. If you plan to make it into a charm, it’s a good idea to use a hole puncher to put a hole in the plastic before you shrink it.  It will be impossible to do once you’ve baked your DIY Shrinky Dink. Once you’ve colored in your designs, cut them out. 

Now you’ll want to arrange your designs on a sheet pan, with a sheet of parchment paper underneath them.  This will keep your dinks from sticking to your pan and ruining it.  You’ll need to preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Once the oven reaches temperature, place your sheet pan on the middle rack. It won’t take very long for them to shrink up, only about 2 to 3 minutes, so I DO NOT recommend walking away from your oven.  Don’t freak out if your designs start to curl up.  That’s perfectly normal.  They’ll uncurl again.  Once your designs have uncurled and are flat again, they won’t shrink anymore, so you can take it out of the oven.   Be super careful, since they’ll be hot.  You’ll want to let the cool for a few minutes before trying to handle them.

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